June 17 Meeting
We met at Barnes & Nobel and talked about starting a project for the group. We will be creating a group Book of Shadows. So far we have a list only of items and thoughts. The goal for the project is to have the binding of course, a Samhain Ritual, and opening and closing circle sections.
There may be more by Samhain, but the idea is to have at least that much so we can do a Samhain celebration this October possible on the 30th.
Please email comments and thoughts. I will find a way for us to collaborate on the project.
Size of the book should be easy to manipulate and hold at ritual
Book will be computer generated
Easily opened
Title can have shadowy 'Book of Shadows' text over the FW picture.
Get cost estimate
Same binder for all
personal Pages can be added by members
Individual Rituals
Group Rituals
Open Circle
Close Circle
Empty pages for personal use